Labels:text | font | menu OCR: Introduction Breakfast Pals Let Yourself Go Credits ca. 1938 Snap, Crackle & Pop 1940 (excerpt) Relaxation slug it out with Soggy, Mushy tips from Dr. Donald Laird In My Merry & Toughy Magic in the Air Oldsmobile Three Smart 1941 (excerpts) The promise 1931 (excerpt) Cartoon by Daughters of television I Max Fleischer ca. 1938 Singer Sewing Center To Market, Master Hands grads get their men 1936 (excerpt) Elegy to the To Market assembly line: Chevrolet's Flint Oxydol Goes 1942 (excerpt) The billboards that ate Chicago plant into High We Drivers 1938 (excerpt) Suds, suds, suds News Sketches 1936 (excerpt) Message from everywhere suds 'Round and 'Round by Max Fleischer Big Brother I ca. 1944-45 (excerpt) The Chevrolet 1939 Capitalism for tots promise of television II Leader News Back of the M ...